Competitive Intelligence Research
in-depth market insight
CI can also examine other factors such as market structure, African and other international opportunities, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other fundamentals that make up the business environment.
Many organisations have some sort of knowledge about their competitors, often sitting somewhere in a database.
However, if the knowledge gathered is not usable (or actionable) then it is useless. The objective of CI is to facilitate better decision-making and processes, and to provide an insightful platform for decision makers.
We understand how to critically review your key value propositions and how to bring research insights and competitive intelligence into focus to sharpen each value proposition for a more effective and aligned strategy.
Our service takes a holistic approach, also addressing the challenges of the African continent. We collect the data on your behalf, and offer analysis and distribution of the information so that it can be utilised by the decision makers in your business.
Consider our competitive intelligence research for a fresh, accurate and reliable way of deriving strategic insights from your operating environment.
We offer the following research platforms:
We engage in customised research specific to your business objective. We assist you to assess market forces and the needs and expectations of customers and other external stakeholders to identify opportunities and threats and take strategic action.
Our staged approach to research helps you manage your budget, and see tangible results at each stage, from secondary research, to internal analysis, to competitor analysis and customer and market assessments.
We focus with you on your value propositions, and workshop with your team to derive the key strategic insights necessary to differentiate your organisation successfully in the competitive market-place.
Research specific to the financial services sector. We specialise in customising research reporting of comparisons of financial services institution offerings, including products, rates and fees. We research perceptions and customer preferences, as well as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Subscription reports available on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly or ad-hoc basis.
Our constant tracking allow the financial services research customer to derive valuable historical trend-analysis insights to better shape strategy and positioning going forward.